leontollmaches Photo
Leon Tollmache

This is Leon Tollmache. I am a programmer at Stepico. The game-art studio we have at Stepico offers not only art-production services but as well full-cycle game production which allows us to cover the entire spectrum of services that are available for nearly any project. It doesn't matter how many projects you've created or how precise the mechanics are, how many plot twists they feature, or how great your graphics are, it won't be noticed by gamers. To make a project successful is to have something that is appealing to all players. It is important to trigger emotions in players, and something that is at a minimum different from what you are used to in your daily life. There should be a way to balance the familiar to the player world and something unusual because people are in the game to experience a new experience. There are a variety of types of settings and genres that are available in the gaming industry. Setting can be historical, fantasy, steampunk or cyberpunk. Some genres are not compatible with mobile gaming, which is different from the setting. Thus, before you even get to the point of searching for an idea, you'll need to envision what your game might look like if you choose to implement it. Imagine a situation: Your player is on the subway back home after an extremely long day's work. He stands up and rides in a packed train. To escape the gray reality and tickle his nerves a bit you reach for your smartphone and are looking forward to your Horror. Absurd? That's right! Mobile devices don't have the same immersion as consoles, computers, or even VR. You should think of innovative and, more importantly, relevant ideas for mobile gameplay before you start development. We can provide a wide selection of game development and can accommodate any request. Our team can either start a project completely from scratch or handle individual development stages. Our projects will remain in your mind. Amazing mechanics, high-quality graphics, and the integration of the latest technology. If you're interested in knowing more about the process behind developing mobile games, be sure to subscribe to our blog because there are many informative articles to read. And if you dream of joining the Stepico team, look for us here https://stepico.com/.

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